This quiz is dedicated to the amazing and diverse Marvel Universe. You will face over 100 questions that will test how well you know this world. As you progress, you will encounter Superheroes many times who have valuable advice prepared for you. They will help you move forward. Remember, each question has exactly one correct answer. And each mistake will cost you hearts. Additionally, each mistake will keep you from your next meeting with a Superhero. But dont despair if you lose all your hearts. Youll always have one last chance. Be attentive! And good luck!
Fall Jack
Pumpkin Stick
Games for Pets
Help The Bird
StickMan Defense
Skyblock Parkour Easy Obby
Impostor Stealthy Ninja
Memory Mystery
Crushy Birds
Diamond Painting Asmr Coloring 2
Dream Pet Merge
Elite Chess
Truck Space 2
Buddy Blocks Survival
Car Out
Fantastic Orange
Keep Prime Numbers
Monster Transformation
Grapple Grip
Happy Glass Draw lines
Goodnight My Baby
Zad Jewels
Candy Cat Shot
Elemental Gloves Magic Power
Survival Rpg Island Escape
Connect Colors
horror run
Jack Blast
Cocktail Party 3D
Cat Puzzle Slider